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Dec 3, 20182 min read
Once Upon the Longest Night
I'm so pleased to announce that a work of my poetry has been included in ONCE UPON THE LONGEST NIGHT: A Collection of Romantic Vampire...

Dec 7, 20132 min read
To Query or not to Query...
…that is the question. How do you know if your manuscript is ready? Or for that matter, if your query is ready? This is more a question...

Aug 17, 20132 min read
To Perserverance
The road to publication isn't an easy one. It requires more than hard work; it requires a single-minded refusal to give up that some days...

May 30, 20123 min read
On Perfectionism, People-Pleasing, and Writing Contests
One of my favorite blogs for writers is Kristen Lamb’s. It never fails to entertain and enlighten. Her post today was timely. She wrote...

Dec 7, 20113 min read
On Liars and Fiction Writers
Yes. I am a lying liar who lies. Twitter is a great place to stumble upon great little gems of wisdom. I found an old blog post from...
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